PRotest posters
We believe in the power of creativity to amplify social change. Last year, our protest posters were downloaded over 5,000 times, used in Women’s Marches worldwide, and raised $2K in voluntary donations for the Women’s March. We've added new protest posters in 2018, including posters supporting #MarchForOurLives.
These posters can be downloaded FREE or by clicking on the download link. Click the DONATE button to make a voluntary donation.
Customizable versions are also available on the WalkWoke App.
You can also find more protest poster and creative civic action inspiration in our NEW BOOK, Be the Change: The Future in in Your Hands.
These are PDF posters and postcards in 5" x 7", 18" x 24", 20" x 24", and 26" x 36".
To print: We recommend PS Print or FedEx.
Thank you,
Sabrina & Eunice