All Tomorrow's Parties

Hello!Lucky wishes you a happy and prosperous 2011 and offers the following advice to help the wish come true:


Surround yourself with friends.


Dress appropriately to the occasion.


Share a cup of kindness with elders.


Share another cup of kindness with your peers.


Have a BALL!

Photos via Photography News.

Vintage Mexican Wedding Dresses

For rustic elegance for a southwestern wedding, or a beach destination wedding, we think these 50's and 60's vintage Mexican wedding dresses are muy lovely. mexican1

Found this on Ruffled.  Sadly, it sold a while back on Etsy. Maybe there are others like it just waiting to be found in closets and estate sales?


Or how about this genuine 50's article. Just look at the detailing below! Methinks we're on a bit of a lace kick!


Found this dress here.

We have a new southwestern wedding invitation design coming out soon, a southwest skyline, similar to our Desert Skyline holiday card.  Keep your eyes peeled for our new design launch, just around the corner. We're super excited!

Our Mi Amor and Malaga designs might also suit a southwestern style fete or fiesta.  Or for beach destination weddings, our Visit Hawaii is easily adapted to other shoreline locales with a simple text customization.

Thinking warm thoughts on chilly day, and wishing warm weather your way!


We Heart Vintage Lace

Are there others out there who have a fabric collecting compulsion? We do, admittedly. We wonder if we could figure out how to make stuff like this:


How about this lace medallion? Absolutely gorgeous! Can you imagine how people used to craft these by hand?

And how about this swiss lace? Swoon! So sweet and simple.


And this one looks like something a Klimt lady would wear— wild!:


We'll put learning lace crochet techniques on our To-Do List. ; ) But in the meantime I wonder what sorts of amazing things we could make out of these?!  All found on  You should visit before we buy them out!

For lovers of lace imagining a lace-filled wedding, remember our lovely Vintage Lace save the date design.

The Humble, Well-Loved Whoopie Pie

We have a special fondness for whoopie pies at Hello!Lucky. A couple of years back one of our printers, Aaron, had a bake-off with one of our designers, who shall remain nameless. Whoopie pies were the winner— but we wouldn't say that there was any actual competition. Just fun and fabulous home-baked whoopie pies! whoppie1

These dapper down-home delicacies, from were mentioned in the New York Times, and most closely resemble the no-frills whoopie pies that Aaron crafted.  The recipe, passed on from generations of Pennsylvania Dutch-ish lineage, is closely guarded among Aaron's sylvan clan.  But we imagine that the WannaHavaCookie whoopies are fairly close to the "real thing."


Being a purist, Aaron would probably view these red-velvet variants as an abomination, but we bet they'd be pretty darn tasty.


Even a holiday whoopie pie with peppermint filling! We could go for that!  WannaHavaCookie charmingly touts that whoopie pies would make great wedding favors. And we might just agree!  But could they make a black-tie whoopie pie?

Mark Shaw Fashion Photography

For a Friday fix of vintage fashion, view this jaw dropping collection of photos; we found them here. Some may be familiar to all you fashionistas and photo aficionados, but we know they'll never get old. Here's a few to whet your appetite:


Would love to have this for the holiday party, no?


Or maybe this...


And we would love to wear this any day.

Enjoy all your holiday get-togethers and festivities this weekend!

Cut Paper Pendants and Brooches

You know that we're fans of silhouettes and Cut Paper designs— notably in Eunice and Daniel's wedding.  So, imagine our surprise when we found this cache of Etsy goodness!


Cut paper Peter Pan!? What little girl (or never-grown-up little girl) could resist?


Oh! This adorable brooch! We want the suit to go with, too!


Sweet little swing! The Etsy seller, Tina Tarnoff,  appears to be a San Franciscan, too. So much talent in this city!


Adore the vintage Victrola.  And there are many more designs to choose from, so check it out. Thanks so much, Tina!

Silk Tree Branch Mobiles by Moon-Lily Silk

Some of us have been traveling here at Hello!Lucky and we're a little confused about what season it is! We thought these delicate silk tree mobiles by Moon-Lily Silk were a refreshing way to look back while marching ever onward toward spring...was it? Picture-22


Brought to mind our Autumn Leaves design.


And these brought to mind EIEIO's Lunaria design.  Lovely, modern and nature-inspired.


And of course, Cherry Blossom.

Such lovely decorations for seasonally inspired weddings!

And, they might look equally beautiful in a nursery, no? (A child's nursery, that is, not an arboreal one where they might get a little lost.)

Thanks so much, Jan, for sharing!

Paid Survey: Calling all Bay Area brides and moms-to-be!

VintageWomanOnPhone Hello!Lucky is seeking brides-to-be and new moms-to-be to participate in a fun and interesting study in an effort to improve our online experience. The sessions will last approximately one hour and will be held one-on-one, in-person in San Francisco on December 3, 4, 5 and 10, 11, 12.

To be considered for participation, please answer all of the questions in this short survey:

Don't worry—we won't share your personal information.

If you are selected to participate, we will give you a ring in the next few days to schedule the interview. If selected, you will receive $75 as an honorarium for your time and opinions.

Thank you kindly!

The Mrs. Shoppe!

a20791912c5269579bbea0_l Stylist extraordinaire Kelley Lilien (Mrs. Lilien as she's known!) has expanded her online presence to include a perfectly curated online shop - just in time for the holidays! Her fabulous selections range from homeware (like these Mr. and Mrs. glasses and colorful ice bucket) to jewelry (those crystal earrings are divine!).




Personalized coasters add an elegant flair to any holiday party...there's even a set of holiday crackers!

Be sure to swing by her equally fabulous blog!

Wedding Website 101

It's Save the Date season for spring weddings!  Are you excited? We certainly are! Many of you might have wedding websites on the mind, so we compiled, for your viewing pleasure, a list of all the designs we have represented on free wedding website providers.  All you need to do is choose the one you like best and sign up. What a dream to have a website that matches your beautiful stationery!  Without further ado:


My Wedding is a great resource for Hello!Lucky designs, and has the widest selection of our styles to date.  You may choose from several colorways on most of the designs, and your options include: Architecture, Chandelier, Cherry Blossom, French Deco, Honeysuckle, Autumn Leaves/Maple, Oak, L'Oiseau (Oiseau), Orchid, Origami Garden, Sparrows, Sweetheart, Visit Hawaii, Visit New York and Visit San Francisco.  Here's a thumbnail of how the pages look:



Wedding Mapper carries our popular Nouveau Peonies design, as well as Sophisticate, Architecture, Heartland and Tides.  Each design has several color options to choose from.


Project Wedding is another great site with tremendous resources for brides and grooms.  Project Wedding carries our Cherry Blossom, Belle Epoque, L'Oiseau and Antoinette website designs.


Last, but assuredly not least, Wedding Wire is a wonderful resource, and they offer three of our designs for websites: French Deco, Honeysuckle, and Origami Garden.

Happy browsing!

Our TOP TEN Customers!

We are SO impressed by our clever clientele! Read below to ROTFL! TopTen_Sample_400x571

Totally Hilarious!

Thanks so much Debbie, Chris, Zippy and Delilah, from all of us at the H!L office! And thanks for letting us share!

We couldn't show just one, so here's the original list to inspire the aspiring:


Now, if this is all news to you and you haven't yet seen our TOP TEN holiday newsletter design, find it here.

Or, for even more fun ideas for creative holiday cards, take a peek at our other styles of holiday newsletters.

Oh, Vintage Fisher Price, We Heart You!


We grew up in the 70's and 80's, so Fisher Price holds a particular place in our collective hearts, but, seriously, how could you not love these classic toys?  The aesthetic is so very, very cool...


These little portable radios!


And this music box TV!



Ah Jingle Bird...




And this camera?  Seriously.


Fisher Price has brought back a few of their vintage toys, such as the classic Chatter Telephone (though it amuses us to think that the average child would be utterly mystified by this phone - rotary dial? Wha??) and the Record Player and let's not forget The Corn Popper Push Toy! We wish they would bring back more!

via Modern Kiddo with awesome photos by flickr users jpidgeon, john_kratz, monique(moki), doe-c-doe, amazing granda and julielion

Warm Things.

It will be snowing soon for some of us. We thought we'd revisit this great idea to warm your cockles.  Warm things and caffeine do wonders to brighten an evening, particularly post daylight savings time. Picture-15

Not just a chocolate lolly, hot chocolate on a stick.  A taste-tempting D.I.Y, which also could mean Drink It Yourself.  Maybe curled up with a good book?


Recipes, ideas, and all sorts of chocolaty savvy featured on a great blog called Giver's Log. Which we found via Sew, Mama, Sew.


And wouldn't it be a lovely after dinner cup for a winter wedding?

Oh! Tiny Owl Sweater!


We love to knit here at Hello!Lucky, and we especially love to knit tiny adorable sweaters for little people (ah! the (semi)instant gratification...), so when we saw this adorable sweater pattern byKathrin we were, ahem, a wee bit excited!


This little moustache pull is pretty darned cute too!  The patterns are available on her Etsy shop...and she has a cute and inspiringblog too!

via MyOwlBarn



Ah! How cool is this shop?  It's called Serendipity and is, bien sûr, in Paris...We found it via Olivelse, a cute little shop (and blog!) that has tempted us many a time.  They make these awesome stuffed ukeleles...


Serendipity carries an eclectic selection of  charming unique objects from around the world...


These paint pot containers seem such a simple idea, but so cool...


How fabulous is this rug?



Love the bohemian vibe of these bed linens...



And this! A bowl for children made of silicon.  Genius.



So inspiring, non? If you happen to be lucky enough to be traipsing about Paris, you can find Serendipity here:  81-83, rue du Cherche-Midi
75006 Paris. Otherwise, visit their online shop here - lucky for us, they ship internationally! Vive l'internet!

More of our Favorite things... Paper and Porcelain!

Just had to share these with you!


Aside from writing letters, we'd say having folks over for coffee or tea is one of the best ways to keep in touch.

And how better to host a little get-together than with these beautiful handmade cups and saucers by Meredith Host? She gets some of her inspiration for design from paper patterns.

Just lovely!

Picture 24

We've had our eyes open for gifts, since it's getting on toward that season.  We ran into Meredith's work on the Clay Studio website. The Clay Studio is a fab non-profit organization, studio, and artist residency for ceramic artists in Philadelphia. Had to give them a shout-out because they do great work, and have gorgeous handmade goodies.

Picture 25

Isn't this serving dish delish?

Picture 22

And this mug to match, found on Etsy. Thanks, Meredith!

Lovely Letterpress Leftovers

Picture 14 Spotted these grand assemblage pieces by Eric Ulrich on Junkculture.

As letterpress afficionados, though, we must make a disclaimer: if you happen upon a set of wood block type, make sure it's incomplete and thoroughly dinged up before you re-purpose it.  Good, complete sets of fonts are hard to come by. Consult with a pro. : )  (These look pretty well worn; the blog says Eric salvaged the type from a printing company in Iowa.)

Picture 16

Love the textures and colors! Makes us feel at home.

Herriott Grace

_MG_2209 How gorgeous are these petit flags and other sweet handmade things from Herriott Grace?




Even more charming is the fact that it's a father daughter venture that began with Lance Herriott sending his daughter hand carved wooden spoons in the mail...


All their products are hand-made (you know how we love thingshand-made!)



How lovely is this wooden cake pedestal?




Nikole and Lance Herriott - we are big fans!

Via Ritzy Bee...