Featured: Wedding Row California

This week Wedding Row California wrote a wonderful post about letterpress printing at Hello!Lucky. With specific details about the creative process and gorgeous photography by Josh Gruetzmacher. We feel touched when people show such interest in the age-old printmaking method of letterpress, especially when they spend a whole afternoon learning the ins-and-outs.

Printmaker James is a fabulous tour guide, and showed Abigail (the author) and Josh the steps of creating a New York City Skyline letterpress wedding invitation from beginning to end.

To read the entire feature and to view more amazing photos, click here!

The Every Girl

Eunice and Sabrina are featured in The Every Girl today! It's such a sweet review and we're delighted to be a part of their collection. The Every Girl is an online resource for the working woman and offers inspiration for a life well lived. With a lovely assortment of topics from finance to health, there's something in there for everyone. And we can definitely relate to their manifesto:

Whether she is searching for her dream job or a new city to call home; is saving up for a down payment or a trip to Europe; is learning to cook or speak another language, she wants a little guidance. She wants to be inspired.

Check out the slideshow here! Thanks The Every Girl!

Photos by Edyta Szyszlo

Studio Snapshots

We admit it, one of our latest obsessions is Instagram. We're having a lot of fun taking little breaks in our day and posting some studio shots to this highly addictive app. Do you use Instagram? We'd love to see what you're posting so follow us or tell us your account name in the comments! We're @helloluckycards - nice and simple!

Eunice at work designing a custom wedding invite.

Rainy day gear.

James at the press.

We're anxiously awaiting the android version so more of our friends and studio mates can join in on the fun.

On Press: Cross Stitch

This week on press is the new Susy Jack* design for Hello!Lucky: Cross Stitch. Here is a video of Hello!Lucky's printer, James, positioning the polymer plate, setting up the press, and printing samples of the new design.

This design will be available on the site soon!

The Hello!Lucky Video

Hello!Lucky Studio from Hello!Lucky on Vimeo.

It's finally here! We've always wanted to give our fans and friends an inside peek into the daily lives of the Hello!Lucky team. This video has been in the making for awhile now, and after all the finishing touches were set in place, it's ready for opening day! The super talented Ryan Khavari of Arkaypix spent a few days with us at the San Francisco studio and captured all the right vibes. The cheerful tunes written just for us are by the amazing bay area musician Roger Riedlbauer. We're just thrilled with the way it turned out! Stay tuned on our Vimeo site for more videos to come. Enjoy!

Orders, Orders, Orders!


We're seeing tons of holiday orders printed and shipped from the H!L studio this week! It's definitely a peak time to order holiday cards, but there's still time to personalize your own. One of our most popular designs this year is the Greetings from San Francisco photo card. We think the kelly green and red color combination is especially festive!