Happy Birthday Eunice!

For Eunice's 40th birthday this year she and Sabrina and a bunch of friends rented a cabin in Tahoe among the beautiful wooded forests and fresh snow. It was a relaxing and exciting retreat, filled with laughter and great times. Six families attended the mini celebration, so there was never a dull moment. The kids were loving the snow, and the parents were loving the woodsy getaway from the city.

No winter weekend would be complete without a good sled sesh. Inner tubes and snow toys kept the boys entertained, but even Eunice got in on the fun!

Jude was quite the explorer. Thank goodness his reptile sidekicks made it through all the wear-and-tear of the cold!

After the sun set the families cozied up inside for some warm meals.

Everyone helped keep the place running smoothly over the weekend. Daniel is shown here helping build a fantastic snow fort.

It was hard to leave but the families will definitely make it a tradition. Happy birthday to Eunice! Cheers to another year of health and happiness.


New Greeting Cards!

Our brand new letterpress greeting cards are hot off the presses and arrived just in time for spring! We've got smashing new designs by Esther Aarts, Julia Rothman, and yours truly. We've taken a new spin off our popular BBQ Parade Father's Day card and created Thanks a Brunch, and Julia's Better With Age card speaks simply the truth - we are especially fond of this card being so close to wine country!

Our wedding Skyline series is such a hit we couldn't wait to offer letterpress skyline cards for all our favorite cities! San Francisco, New York City, and London are all available now but there are more to come! Also making it's big debut is our bright and cheerful Visit Seattle card.

To view the entire collection of new letterpress greeting cards, click here!

Studio Snapshot: Happy Birthday Lia!

Happy birthday to Lia, happy birthday to yooouuu! The Hello!Lucky staff has quite the lineup of summer birthdays. It seems as though every week we've gathered sweet treats and savory snacks back in our break area to celebrate. Last Friday's festivities were dedicated to Lia, one of our dearest sales consultants. Lia, the head of the sales team, has been with us since 2009. We love her sparkling charm and unwavering expertise. And check out the spread! French cheeses, fresh fruit, homemade Spanish tapas (we may have to start celebrating half-birthdays, too!)




Make a wish!


Happy birthday Lia! Cheers to another fun and fabulous year!