Love the cherry blossom petit fours, epecially! They were featured on Martha Stewart a bit ago, but we thought these pretty pink pastries needed a review.
Silk Tree Branch Mobiles by Moon-Lily Silk
Some of us have been traveling here at Hello!Lucky and we're a little confused about what season it is! We thought these delicate silk tree mobiles by Moon-Lily Silk were a refreshing way to look back while marching ever onward toward spring...was it?
Brought to mind our Autumn Leaves design.
And these brought to mind EIEIO's Lunaria design. Lovely, modern and nature-inspired.
And of course, Cherry Blossom.
Such lovely decorations for seasonally inspired weddings!
And, they might look equally beautiful in a nursery, no? (A child's nursery, that is, not an arboreal one where they might get a little lost.)
Thanks so much, Jan, for sharing!
Real Wedding: Sandy & Harry
Thanks to Jeannie Savage of Details Details Wedding and Event Planning and Ira Lippke Studios for sharing these stunning photos of Sandy and Harry's wedding this past August in Laguna Beach. Sandy selected our Cherry Blossom design for her save the date cards and wedding invitations opting for bold and vibrant colors and modern typsestyles.
The creative juices really started flowing when it came to the day of stationery. When Jeannie wondered if the seating cards could be in the exact shape of the blossoms on the invitations, our answer was an enthusiastic yes!
Diecut blossoms on colorful cardstock were artfully arranged on branches and featured calligraphy by Michele Papineau of Papineau Calligraphy.
Round menus fit perfectly into chargers and scallop labels reading "love sweet love" adorned take home candy bags. Sandy and Harry also provided their guests with to-go boxes of comfort food liked grilled cheese sandwiches and burgers to satisfy their late night cravings. A much appreciated touch, we're sure!
Love the elegantly simple cake punctuated with blossoms and bands of bright green and dramatically lit lounge area at the reception.
Such a beautiful wedding with so many thoughtful touches (cue gorgeous sunset!)...
For more photos and inspiration, please visit Jeannie's blog.