DIY: I Lava you pop-up card



We wanted to create a simple & fun (and gender neutral) Valentines Day card the kids would be excited about! Using few materials, our free printables, and following the steps below, you can create an I lava You Pop-up Card of your own! Mess around with different color card stock & glitter to make it unique! Happy crafting! MATERIALS

  • 8.5 x 11 sheet of blue or green card stock
  • 8.5 x 11 sheet brown card stock
  • 8.5 x 11 sheet white card stock
  • Printer
  • Scissors, or a craft knife, ruler and cutting mat
  • Gluestick
  • Liquid glue & brush
  • Bone folder (optional)
  • Pink and orange glitter (optional)



1. Print the background template on the green cardstock, the volcano on brown cardstock, and the cloud template on white cardstock.

Note: you only need one volcano, & one cloud per card. We included multiples in case you would like to make more than one, in which case you will need to print additional background templates

2. Cut out and fold the blue cardstock: cut off 1/2 inch along the solid grey line; cut out the circle and around the palm trees. Fold along the light grey lines (use a bone folder if desired) to form a diamond shape with a glue tab. Glue & add glitter to the asteroid (we used orange).

3. Cut out the volcano, crossbar, and the cloud. Fold the glue tabs as indicated by the light grey lines and cut small slits in the volcano and cross bar along the solid black lines. Glue & add glitter to the top of the volcano to represent lava (we used pink). 4. Glue the cloud to the back of volcano. 5. Slot the cross tab into the volcano and glue the tabs to the background. 6. Glue the volcanos tabs matching the letters as shown in the diagram.


Note: line cut out card with diagram from original print-out. 7. Glue the tab of the background template to complete the diamond shape. 8. Flatten & press down firmly until glue dries. And there you have it!

Looking for more DIY projects and free downloads? Head over to our site here.

DIY Dino Tee



Sabrina's twins James and Alex wanted matching dinosaur tees based off their favorite Byron Barton book Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, so she drew a few up! All you need is a blank tee, a sharpie, and your kids favorite illustration! Quick tips to avoid fading after wash: Soak overnight in a quart of cool water with a cup of white vinegar. Always turn the tee inside out before washing.