Lucky Friday # 81, Hang in There

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the 81st edition of our Lucky Friday Giveaway.  Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress greeting cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The winners from last week are (drum roll, please): Maggie, Csilla and Kendra Purnell! We’ll contact you next week to arrange sending your Chairs card.

Design: Hang in There Artist: Eunice Moyle Inspiration: Life and work is like a barrel of monkeys, and we know things go better if we all hang together. Who to send it to: A macaque who feels like crap, a monkey who's been feeling a little funky, or a Rhesus who fell to pieces. Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We were thinking of doing a new version called "Ecce Mono" in honor of the recently "improved" Spanish fresco. Favorite detail: Can y'all spot the one monkey who's just a teensy bit different from the others? Why letterpress? When it comes to printing primates, we prefer mano a mono.

Don’t forget to post your comment and tune in next week, same time, different stationery, to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday #10! Mother's Day Edition!

Now onto the tenth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Stephanie, Ginger and Irene!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Clothesline Monkey card.

Now onto our special  Mother's Day card giveaway:


Design: Mama Elephant

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: Our awe and “awww” of elephants is all the inspiration needed.

Who to send it to:  Hmmm..  if you don’t know already, then Mum’s the word.

Our favorite detail: We love the mama elephant’s swirly knees and ears, and her pink toenails.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We thought of hippos, with a message saying “You’re one hip mama!” but then we were reminded of Disney’s Fantasia, and the tutus… hrmm.

Why Letterpress?  All mothers deserve the very best.

Don't forget to post your comment and check next Friday to see if you've won!

Lucky Friday Week #9

Now onto the ninth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Allyson H, Budoh, and Wehaf!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Retro Easter card.


Design: Clothesline Monkey

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: We’ve all had moments feeling strung out or high and dry, and there is nothing so encouraging as having a friend drop us a line.

Who to send it to: One of your gang who likes to hang and monkey around, but who might need a little help getting his feet back on the ground.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We got so hung up on the clothesline idea, we couldn’t quite pin down any other options.

Our favorite detail: We could write volumes about the pathos of being pinned up beside a pair of tighty-whities, but we’ll keep it brief.

Why Letterpress? It’s very chic to have laundry beautifully pressed.

Don’t forget to add your comment and check back next week to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday Week Six!

Now onto the sixth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Christina Y., Luz B. and Cheryl V.!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Going Strong card.

Onto this week's offering:


Design: Sick Octo

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: Surreal dreams about the Octopus’s Garden after slightly suspicious Tako sushi takeout.

Who to send it to: Your favorite immune-compromised “Manic Monday” multi-taskers, moms, managers or minions (or any of the above). Or cheer up someone who feels a little clammy, over his head, underwater, or washed up.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one:  We decided to make a gender-neutral octopus to avoid absolutely any association with “Octomom.”

Our favorite detail: We wonder how to make hot tea under the sea?

Why Letterpress? We’re suckers for textured tentacles. And wouldn’t it be handy to hire an octopus typesetter?! And think how much we’d save on ink!

Don’t forget to post your comment on the blog and check next Friday to see if you’ve won!