Gelly Roll Giveaway

Gelly Roll pens have held the key to our hearts since scribbling unicorns in Lisa Frank journals. Little has changed since then except now Gelly Roll offers a plethora of pens in all of the colors of the sparkly rainbow. They are now celebrating their 30th Birthday, and during this exciting time of Gelly technology we, alongside our pals at Egg Press, have been invited to join them for a giveaway!

July’s prize-  P I N K

July’s prize- P I N K

The giveaway will take place from now until 2015. Each month 10 winners will be chosen to collect the prize package of the month (In this case pink) which includes 6 letterpress cards by Hello!Lucky & Egg Press, and 6 Gelly Roll pens. A grand prize winner will also be chosen each month to collect the ultimate package including 74 Gelly Roll pens and 12 letterpress cards. That’s 66 chances to win!

In order to enter all you must do is post an original photo on instagram or facebook including gelly roll pens & your own artwork/ hand lettering and tag #gellyroll30. Winners will be announced at the end of each month. Find out more here.

*Please be sure to turn your privacy settings off so we can see your posts!

Happy Birthday Sakura! Let’s get the ball rolling!

Lucky Friday # 79, Sporty Birthday

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the 79th edition of our Lucky Friday Giveaway.  Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress greeting cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The winners from last week are (drum roll, please): Lydia, Angela and Lisa! We’ll contact you next week to arrange sending your Unicorns card.

Design: Sporty Birthday Artist: Lab Partners Inspiration: Must've been feeling inspired by all the Olympic feats of strength. Who to send it to: A trophy-toting-teen, a champion of a chum, a contender of a friend or an all-around good sport. Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We nixed the Valentine's design that featured trophies— seemed a trifle tacky. Favorite detail: Love the trophy case nostalgia. Why letterpress? Nostalgia is best expressed with an antique press.

Don’t forget to post your comment and tune in next week, same time, different stationery, to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday # 39, Woodland Cheer!


Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the 39th edition of our Lucky Friday Giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress greeting cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Jessica, Liz and Ruth Whispell!

We’ll contact you next week to arrange sending your Good Luck card!

Now for this week’s edition:

Design: Woodland Cheer Artist: Eunice Moyle Inspiration: Furry and feathered friends found in folk art. Who to send it to: Fine craft aficionados who squirreled away fun Etsy finds and generously sent them your way for the holiday. Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: A bunch of naïve, outsider art renderings of folk instruments reading "Close enough for folk music!" Another with a just big acorn, reading "Wanna hear acorny joke?" Favorite detail: We heart the squirrel love. Why Letterpress? Dingbats/Typographic ornaments are sometimes called "printer's flowers." Wonder if there are any printer's acorns?

Don’t forget to post your comment and tune in next week, same time, different stationery, to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday #32, Rothman's Going Places

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the 32nd edition of our Lucky Friday Giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Bethany, Merany and Robin!

We’ll contact you next week to arrange sending your Robots!

Now for this week’s edition:


Design: Going Places
Artist: Julia Rothman
Inspiration: Lugging vintage luggage is a sport in our field, inspiring awe in good design—particularly with regards to such brilliant notions as the invention of the wheel.
Who to send it to: A jet-setter, a globe-trotter, a glad new grad, a Fulbright scholar...
Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: A little dog packing a too small satchel with a too big bone reading "Bone Voyage." A two toed sloth climbing a tree, reading "Movin' on Up!"
Favorite detail: Love the color choices and the meticulous metalwork.
Why Letterpress? Vintage leather luggage can only be adequately rendered with vintage leatherpress printing.
Don’t forget to post your comment, and tune in next week, same time, different stationery, to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday # 31! Julia Rothman's Robots!

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the 31st edition of our Lucky Friday Giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

Back from our brief hiatus, here is this week's card:


Design: Robots Artist: Julia Rothman Inspiration: Witnessing a short circuit crash our batteries-not-included Roomba into our computer desk gave us a deep thought. Who to send it to: Any humanoid named Rosie, Wally or particularly Marvin; or a hot bot with a birthday in the distant future— the year 2000. Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We let the paranoid android jokes go the way of the difference engine, and the strangely risqué robot card reading "Byte Me" obsolesced faster than the Tandy. Favorite Detail: Love the little K-9. And the Bohr model balloon fills us with nuclear age nostalgia. Why Letterpress? Such futuristic subject matter requires equally futuristic print technology.

Don’t forget to post your comment, and tune in next week, same time, different stationery, to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday postponed this week... winners announced!


Hello!Lucky has been hard at work on our BIGGEST project ever, our new website, coming soon!

With such a monumental task at hand, we're taking a little Lucky Friday break this week.

The winners of last week's edition are:

(drumroll, please..)

Kelly, Liz and Kelli!


We'll contact you early week to arrange sending your Epic Birthday card.

Stay tuned for more stellar stationery giveaways!

Lucky Friday #21: Esther Aarts Good Luck Card!

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the twenty-first edition of our Lucky Friday Giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Stephanie, Monique and Amy Marie Wingate!

We’ll contact you early next week to arrange sending your Rock On! card.

Now for this week’s edition:


Design: Good Luck

Artist: Esther Aarts

Inspiration: Hello!Lucky knows a thing or two about the subject at hand.

Who to send it to: A fella hoping luck will be a lady, a woman in want of a wishbone, a chap you wish to charm and cheer on.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: Two chickens pulling on the ends of a wishbone, reading “Good Cluck.”

Favorite detail: Love the Raggedy Ann face on the first place ribbon.

Why letterpress? Sometimes you really should press your luck.

Don’t forget to post your comment, and tune in next week, same time, different stationery, to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday #18! Julia Rothman goes Under the Sea!

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the eighteenth edition of our Lucky Friday giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Aggie, Lisa and Andrew!

We’ll contact you early next week to arrange sending your Cheers! card.

Now for this week’s edition:


Design: Under the Sea

Artist: Julia Rothman

Inspiration: Maybe Julia “conch-ed” out and dreamt about a certain “Lawrence Whelk” doing a duet of “Under the Sea” with Ariel, in glass of champagne. “A one an’a two an’ a..!” Ehr, umm, that is, maybe Julia just likes mermaids.

Who to send it to: This card was sure made for a mermaid, but you could send a sand dollar a holler, or grant a fish a birthday wish.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: Some of the puns were kinda washed up, like an encouragement card with a mermaid, reading “On a scale of one to ten”… ‘nuff said.

Favorite detail:  Naturally the angelfish and seahorse would be the chivalrous types.

Why letterpress? If you send a card under the waves the ink might wash away, but with a letterpress card a mermaid could at least get an impression.

Don't forget to post your comment and check back next week, same time, same stationery (; D), to see if you've won!

Lucky Friday, Sweet #16! Friendship Card, Pirate Style.

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the sixteenth edition of our Lucky Friday giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Seema, Cherie and Amy Wingate!

We’ll contact you early next week to arrange sending your Cool Dad card.

Now for this week’s edition:


Design: Best Mate

Aarrrtist: Esther Aarrrrts (trans: Esther Aarts)

Inspiration: Arrrr ye pullin’ moy peg-leg? Can’t ye arrrready see what arrr influences arrrrr?

Who to send it to:  Ye ought to knoo who yer best mates arrrrr, oughtn’t ye?

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: Arrr, matey. We ‘ad a desoign arr two that ‘ad to walk the plank. With the cruel visage of Cap’n Hook and ‘is croc, readin’: “I’m Hooked on You.” Smelled ‘alf worse than a limey kettle o’ fish on a dead man’s chest.

Favorite detail:  Tharrrs naught quoite loike the soight of that foine ship sankin’ way out o’er yonder. An’ the billowin’ smooke.

Why Letterpress:  You canna foind a noicer caaarrrrrd anywhere on dry land.

Don't faarrrget—leave your comment, and check back next week to see if you've won!

Lucky Friday #15 Father's Day Edition

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the fifteenth edition of our Lucky Friday giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Marife, Debbie Boswell and Reyna!

We’ll contact you early next week to arrange sending your Catching Up card.

Now for this week’s Father's Day Card edition:


Design: Cool Dad

Artist: Anna Hurley

Inspiration: Maybe some Jimmy Stewart, with a pinch of Atticus Finch and a dash of Dick Van Dyke.

Who to send it to: A rad dad, a cool daddy-o, or maybe even a sugar daddy if you’re feeling coy.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one:  We thought of it saying “Happy Super Suave Dude’s Day,” but we decided we’d rather just stick with “Father.” And we thought of "Happy Dada Day" with a cartoon of Marcel Duchamp standing by a snow shovel, but we thought we'd narrow our audience too much.

Favorite detail: How could we choose just one?

Why letterpress: Any dad would be glad to know a lad or a lady who had such mad card selecting skills.

Don't forget to leave your comment below and check back next week to see if you've won!

Lucky Friday #14, A Cute Card for Catching Up

Hello all you lucky folks out there! This is the fourteenth edition of our Lucky Friday giveaway! Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. We’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Jackie G, Noella, and Dear Evie!

We'll contact you early next week to arrange sending your Knitting Monkey card.

Now for this week’s edition:


Design: Catching Up

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration:  We just felt like gettin' our game hen on, puttin' on the capon, turnin' up the turducken and letterpressin' some poultry poetry on paper.

Who to send it to: One of your peeps who’s left you behind, some poor little pullet who’s been called a rotten egg, or a bird of a feather from your flock with whom you've been meaning to talk.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We had some chicken scratch plans about chicken little and the little red hen, but they never fully hatched.

Our favorite detail: We feel for the little chick who’s lagging.

Why letterpress?  It’s so suave to keep in touch with such a tactile card!

Don't forget to post your comment and check back next week to see if you've won!

Lucky Friday #13 (Thank You Card Giveaway!)

Yes, that's right! This just happens to be the thirteenth edition of Lucky Friday, coincidentally falling on Lucky Friday the 13th! Maybe we should have featured a Halloween Card? Spooky...

Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Ann, Stephie and Paige L!

We'll contact you early next week to arrange sending your Wiser card.

Now for this week’s edition, one of our letterpress thank you cards:


Artist: Eunice Moyle
Inspiration: Not a monkey's uncle— rather perhaps, a monkey's sweet, coy great aunt? Who to send it to: A silly little monkey who shouldn't have, or a nifty knitter who's a great gifter.
Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: It used to say "You Wild, Wooly Monkey!" but we thought it was too open to misinterpretation. And we toyed with the idea of a crocodile crocheting a stuffed crocodile, titled "This is a Real Croc of Knit" but we couldn't think of a soul to we'd be crazy enough to send it to. "All You Needle is Love" also made its way into file thirteen.
Our favorite detail: We wonder if the sock monkey knits sock humans?
Why letterpress? A well-spun yarn in a handwritten thank you letter yearns to be expressed on a letterpress card.
Don't forget to post your comment and check back next week to see if you've won!
Also, remember to drop by and see us at the National Stationery Show if you're in New York.
Here's the info:
Visit us at the National Stationery Show, booth # 1536.

May 15th – 18th from 9-6

Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York City SEE YOU THERE!

Hello!Lucky's Everlasting Giveaway on Pingg!

We wanted to let y'all in on one of our best kept secrets! Many of our most darling birth announcements and kids' party designs are available on Pingg! If you don't already know about Pingg, it's a fab site that allows you to create adorable E-invites, for free!


Hello!Lucky has seventeen different designs to choose from, a couple that you won't find anywhere else. How sweet is that?


Click on the image of our Roller Coaster design to see it on Pingg!


Or, how about a Tea Party shower invite? Can we come too?

Pingg is super user friendly, fast, and it's easy to sign up through your Facebook account, or just through e-mail.

It'll be a great party! Wish we could come!

Lucky Friday #10! Mother's Day Edition!

Now onto the tenth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Stephanie, Ginger and Irene!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Clothesline Monkey card.

Now onto our special  Mother's Day card giveaway:


Design: Mama Elephant

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: Our awe and “awww” of elephants is all the inspiration needed.

Who to send it to:  Hmmm..  if you don’t know already, then Mum’s the word.

Our favorite detail: We love the mama elephant’s swirly knees and ears, and her pink toenails.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We thought of hippos, with a message saying “You’re one hip mama!” but then we were reminded of Disney’s Fantasia, and the tutus… hrmm.

Why Letterpress?  All mothers deserve the very best.

Don't forget to post your comment and check next Friday to see if you've won!

Lucky Friday Week #9

Now onto the ninth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Allyson H, Budoh, and Wehaf!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Retro Easter card.


Design: Clothesline Monkey

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: We’ve all had moments feeling strung out or high and dry, and there is nothing so encouraging as having a friend drop us a line.

Who to send it to: One of your gang who likes to hang and monkey around, but who might need a little help getting his feet back on the ground.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We got so hung up on the clothesline idea, we couldn’t quite pin down any other options.

Our favorite detail: We could write volumes about the pathos of being pinned up beside a pair of tighty-whities, but we’ll keep it brief.

Why Letterpress? It’s very chic to have laundry beautifully pressed.

Don’t forget to add your comment and check back next week to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday Week #8 (Easter Card Edition!)

Now onto the eighth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Wolfie, Irit and Katie!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Ukulele Monkey card.

Onto our Easter greeting card edition:


Design: Retro Easter

Artist: Sarah Labieneic

Inspiration: Swingin’ sixties wallpaper, Easter egg hunts at Grandma Bianca’s wood-paneled suburban bungalow, croquet on shag Astroturf, milk-glass plates of divinely deviled eggs, crepe paper, wicker baskets, and spring!

Who to send it to:  Any of your circle of Peeps— the hippest hippity-hops or the funkiest chickens you know.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one:  We put all our eggs in one basket and decided to go with this most egg-cellent idea.

Our favorite details: the eggshell texture of the card stock and the robin’s egg blue hue.

Why Letterpress? We can print the prettiest pastels in letterpress!

Don’t forget to add your comment and check back next week to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday Week #7!

Now onto the seventh edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Brittany Burton, Leah and Michael!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Sick Octo card.

Onto this week’s offering:


Design: Ukulele Monkey

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: From A Thousand Clowns, 1964, one of the best ukulele moments on film, pardon the poor quality:

Who to send it to: Your Hawaiian honey, your eccentric ukulele loving uncle, your cute cuatro-playing friend from Caracas, or anyone who’d love a plucky hand-puppet wearing plumeria.

Our favorite detail: Frankly, the frangipani flower is so poi-fectly Polynesian.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We considered a Christmas card that said Mele Kaliki-monkey, but we didn’t want to get that song stuck in everybody’s head (*wink*)

Why Letterpress? All primates go ape over letterpress + sock simians have never been so stylish!

Don't forget to add your comment and check back next week to see if you've won!

Lucky Friday Week Six!

Now onto the sixth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Christina Y., Luz B. and Cheryl V.!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Going Strong card.

Onto this week's offering:


Design: Sick Octo

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: Surreal dreams about the Octopus’s Garden after slightly suspicious Tako sushi takeout.

Who to send it to: Your favorite immune-compromised “Manic Monday” multi-taskers, moms, managers or minions (or any of the above). Or cheer up someone who feels a little clammy, over his head, underwater, or washed up.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one:  We decided to make a gender-neutral octopus to avoid absolutely any association with “Octomom.”

Our favorite detail: We wonder how to make hot tea under the sea?

Why Letterpress? We’re suckers for textured tentacles. And wouldn’t it be handy to hire an octopus typesetter?! And think how much we’d save on ink!

Don’t forget to post your comment on the blog and check next Friday to see if you’ve won!

Lucky Friday, ermm... Saturday! Week #5

Now onto the fifth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday (or Saturday, just for this week) we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Heather S., Claire and Addie!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Lionheart card.

Onto this week's offering:


Design: Going Strong

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: The Beatles' “Carry that Weight,” feats of strength, the family circus.

Who to send it to: Your brawny beau; your leading lady; your favorite matrimonial marathon medalists.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one:  A pair of circus tightrope walkers, with the heading  “Because you’re mine…” seemed a little tenuous. The sword swallower couple seemed inappropriate, and we all agreed that clowns are a no-no.

Our favorite details: The marcel curls of the Missus and the Monsieur’s manly ‘stache.

Why Letterpress? We bet that strongman could bench press our presses, so we printed the card to be especially impressive.

Don't forget to post your comment on the blog and check next Friday to see if you've won!