Farewell to custom!



To our amazing customers & fans, T H A N K Y O U ! We have made the incredibly tough call to throw in the towel for all custom invitations. Our intentions are to expand on our letterpress greeting card collection, and eventually branch out into more gifts & products. We are forever grateful for all of your kind words and support. That being said, our wedding invitations will be available for a limited time through Soiree San Francisco, so please don't hesitate to contact them for all your dreamy wedding desires. Wishing you a very H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !

New! Lisa Congdon for Hello!Lucky

When Lisa Congdon agreed to do a line of cards with us for 2013 we were beyond thrilled. We love Lisa's colorful illustrations, hand lettering, and imaginative renderings of nature and animals. We think her cards are perfect for any occasion but we're especially excited to launch the line just in time for Valentine's Day. Check out these images of her studio (Taken by Victoria Smith of SF Girl by Bay). No wonder her designs are so bright and cheerful, her space is an inspiration in itself!

We asked Lisa a few questions about her process and what she has in store for 2013:

What is your process like? Does it change with every project?

It does depend. Sometimes I draw things straight from my brain, especially if I am making a simple drawing without much nuance. The cards I did for Hello!Lucky were all things I drew that just came from my imagination. When I paint or draw something more realistic or complex, I find images (photographs) to use as reference, so I can get the proportions and lighting right. Typically, especially in my commissioned illustration work, I make sketches first. And then I move to making the final artwork.

I always start by drawing things by hand. Always. None of my work starts as digital work, even if it ends up as digital work. In the case of the card line for Hello Lucky, I drew the designs in pen on paper, then scanned them and turned them into vector so they could be reproduced as plates for letterpress printing.

What was your inspiration for this line? 

I remember I got really simple, straightforward art direction for this line: create designs in your own style around the theme of love. So I brainstormed different sayings that would lend themselves easily to colorful illustration: things like You are My Sunshine, You are my Queen, You Light up My Life. It was really as simple as that! I really enjoyed it!

Do you have a favorite in the collection or do you love them all equally?

I think You Light Up My Life is my favorite! But I like them all.

(My Sunshine, Sailboat Love, Falling for You, Lighthouse)

We loved your 365 days of hand lettering project you did for 2012. Is there a favorite quote/motto you have from that project? 

One of my favorites is: "Leap and the net will appear," which John Burroughs is quoted as saying. It's the motto for many things in my life.

What are you currently working on or what's your latest release? Is there a 365 day project for 2013?

I just launched a weekly project for 2013 with Maria Popova of Brain Pickings called The Reconstructionists. It's a a yearlong celebration of remarkable women who have changed the way we see the world. Every Monday in 2013, we'll publish an illustrated portrait (by me) of one trailblazing woman (artist, scientist, writer), along with a hand-lettered quote that captures her spirit and a short micro-essay (by Maria) about her life and legacy. I'm pretty excited about it!

(Queen, King)

Thank you Lisa for being such an inspiration and so much fun to work with! Visit Lisa's website for more lovely illustrations and follow along with her blog here. Shop Lisa's new collection for H!L here!

Product Photos by Edyta Szyszlo Photography

Portrait of Lisa by Leslie Sophia Lindell Photography

Welcome 2013!

After the holidays wind down and we return to our regular routine, we welcome 2013 with open arms. There are many events to look forward to this year, many resolutions to keep and many achievements to reach. As we look forward we always like to start off right with an organized, refreshed state of mind. We picked a few of our favorite 2013 wall and desk calendars from around the web to share with all of you. We're noticing a geometric theme in our calendars so expect to see a new trend! Happy New Year!

1. Linda and Harriett Quilt Calendar 2. Kin of Kin Lunar Calendar 3. Darling Clementine Harvest Calendar 4. Frankie Press Calendar 5. Julia Kostreva Prisms Calendar 6. Leah Duncan Shapes Calendar

New Illustrations by Karin Soderquist

Our friend and 2011 Holiday Guest Designer Karin Soderquist recently shared some images of her newest illustrations and we're literally rolling on the floor laughing. Her quirky characters are what won us over with her holiday cards, and now they're getting even quirkier. Skate Grrrls (shown above) is a colorful study of the movements and poses of skate boarders. We love the bright hair colors! That isn't even the best of it. The quirkiest of all her characters has to be her collection of sexy Swedish pastries, illustrated in celebration of Let's Fika! Does it get any better than a chocolate ball in high heels??

Perhaps the only thing better is a cinnamon bun in cowboy boots...

Lookin' good, ladies. Thanks Karin for sharing your new work! To view more, head over to her website here!

Inspired by Charlotte Trounce

These lovely illustrations by London based artist Charlotte Trounce have us giddy with design envy. The whimsical, hand-painted illustrations are definitely up our alley, and we're crazy about her compositions and bold color palettes. Plus, they embody some of our favorite things about Hello!Lucky's second home.

Charlotte created this alphabet in honor of the 2012 London Olympics. Hilarious! To see more of her work, head over to charlottetrounce.tumblr.com

Inspired by Samantha Hahn

It's officially Fashion Week and we're gearing up for some major trend watching. Although we may not be hitting the runways any time soon, we're constantly gathering inspiration from all the exotic textiles and handmade garments. With Fashion Week comes a wave of fashion focused blog posts and images. We're really digging the tasteful and whimsical illustrations by artist Samantha Hahn. As a New York native, Samantha sees new fashion trends everywhere she goes. Her couture illustrations give a nod to the groundbreaking designers but keep within her own aesthetic and we're loving her painterly style.

To view more of Samantha's work, head over to her website and be sure to read her blog Maquette for insider designs and inspiration.

En Vacances!

It doesn't take much to get the average Brit. thinking about holidays, especially considering the hit-and-miss wash-out Summer that we've been having recently. What could be more enticing than these charming retro-inspired posters by the French tourist board that have appeared all over the capital in the last few weeks to gently tempt us wet and weary commuters into packing our suitcases and heading South.

We love the use of the different fonts and the wonderful graphic cartoons that put us in mind of those classic Pink Panther opening sequences.

Beautifully fresh and oh so very French - who but a Frenchwoman would co-ordinate her deckchair with her son's t-shirt!

Allez...en vacances! Bon Voyage

AE Planning + Design Holiday Greetings!


We're a wee bit tardy on this (ha!) but check out this interactive map we designed for the ever marvelous Alison Events.


They traveled something like 84 (!) days out of the year last year, orchestrating fab destination weddings the world over.   Each icon opens up stunning photos from each destination.  Check it out in action here!

The Exquisite Corpse!


Check it out: 7x7 magazine is challenging all you artists out there to participate in their rendition of game that served as the basis for the book The Exquisite Book: 100 Artists Play a Collaborative Game (we were very flattered that they used our page from the book as the first drawing in the game! Woot!).  The details can be found here!

Esther Aarts exhibit

Print One of our favorite illustrators, Esther Aarts, is currently exhibiting at the Arnhem Museum of Modern Arts in the Netherlands. She was sweet enough to send us a photo of the exhibition, featuring her Season's Salutations and Retro Christmas greeting cards! Congrats Esther!


The Exquisite Book Signing Party!


Last night we attended a book signing party for The Exquisite Book, a project headed by  the lovely Julia Rothman. We were honored to be asked to participate in the book (see Eunice's contribution here). The signing took place at the ever fabulous Rare Device.


Eunice was on hand to sign books with her trusty companion Jude (trying to take credit for her hard work! Some people....).



The party hosted a live drawing event featuring contributing artists Caitlin Keegan, Kelly Lynn Jones, Susie Ghahremani,Tom Neely, Lorena Siminovich and Lisa Congdon.




Eunice adds her signature hot dog!


Read more about The Exquisite Book here.

All photos by Kelly Braun.

The Exquisite Book

exn1041346 We recently collaborated with friend and artist Julia Rothman on The Exquisite Book, a pet project of hers along her colleagues Jenny Volvovski and Matt Lamothe from ALSO. Inspired by the Surrealist game, Exquisite Corpse, the book features over one hundred contemporary artists (including H!L's Eunice Moyle!), each completing one page of the book. Read more about the process here.


The Exquisite Book is currently available for pre-order through Amazon and Chronicle Books.

The Exquisite Book Project!

It's sure turning out to be a good year! This awesome illustration, designed by our own lovely and talented head designer and co-founder, Eunice Moyle, has been accepted to appear in The Exquisite Book Project--published by Chronicle Books and out this Fall! Print

This project, curated by our friend and fellow designer Julia Rothman and lovingly dubbed "a total experiment"--is a collaborative effort among artists of all sorts; illustrators, designers, and comic artists come together to tell a singular story. Each artist contributes one full illustrated page to the book, and are given no more to go on than the previous artist's illustration!

We're over the moon about The Exquisite Book Project, and are rather humbled to be amongst such other contributors as: Mike Perry, Camilla Engman, Dave Eggers, and our buddies over at Lab Partners.

Kevin Waldron's Fantabulous Illustrations

Bologna We just came across Kevin Waldron's absolutely wonderful illustrations via the equally wonderful blog Stickers and Stuff.


How fantastic is this lion with his snazzy pipe, turtleneck and hair nerdily combed to the side?  Hilarious!

3 Friends

Mr. Peek!

Sketch of a character named Mr. Peek...

crocs book


We love the loose and charming style...

dance steps

This adorable Owl & the Pussycat is genius.  We are pea green with envy!