Lucky Friday #13 (Thank You Card Giveaway!)

Yes, that's right! This just happens to be the thirteenth edition of Lucky Friday, coincidentally falling on Lucky Friday the 13th! Maybe we should have featured a Halloween Card? Spooky...

Each Friday we feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Ann, Stephie and Paige L!

We'll contact you early next week to arrange sending your Wiser card.

Now for this week’s edition, one of our letterpress thank you cards:


Artist: Eunice Moyle
Inspiration: Not a monkey's uncle— rather perhaps, a monkey's sweet, coy great aunt? Who to send it to: A silly little monkey who shouldn't have, or a nifty knitter who's a great gifter.
Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: It used to say "You Wild, Wooly Monkey!" but we thought it was too open to misinterpretation. And we toyed with the idea of a crocodile crocheting a stuffed crocodile, titled "This is a Real Croc of Knit" but we couldn't think of a soul to we'd be crazy enough to send it to. "All You Needle is Love" also made its way into file thirteen.
Our favorite detail: We wonder if the sock monkey knits sock humans?
Why letterpress? A well-spun yarn in a handwritten thank you letter yearns to be expressed on a letterpress card.
Don't forget to post your comment and check back next week to see if you've won!
Also, remember to drop by and see us at the National Stationery Show if you're in New York.
Here's the info:
Visit us at the National Stationery Show, booth # 1536.

May 15th – 18th from 9-6

Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York City SEE YOU THERE!

Lucky Friday # 12, Birthday Card Giveaway!

Now onto the twelfth edition of our weekly feature: Lucky Fridays! Each Friday we’ll feature one of our letterpress cards. Then we’ll choose THREE LUCKY WINNERS to get a free card.  Post a comment by 12 p.m. PST the following Thursday, and we’ll announce the winners on the following Friday!

The three winners from last week are (drum roll, please):

Melissa, Lisa and Mary!

Heather will contact you early next week to arrange sending your Wallowing Pig card.

Now for this week’s edition, one of our letterpress birthday cards!


Design: Wiser

Artist: Eunice Moyle

Inspiration: Owl tell you when you’re older.

Who to send it to:  The whoo’s whoo on your birthday list—whoo’s on first? Someone wiser than thou, perhaps?  Or someone with whoom you can share your wisdom.

Ideas we scrapped in favor of this one: We had a designer who sketched out a “HAPPY H-OWL-OWEEN from Owllen Ginsberg” card, with a caricature of Allen Ginsberg as a great horned owl, reading from H-OWL. Ummm… yeah. No. We think she was buzzed on Sharpie fumes at the time.

Our favorite detail: The owl in back looks just a little bit mischievous.

Why Letterpress? With such fine-feathered detail, our pressmen get to show off how talon-ted they are!

Be sure to leave your comment, and don't forget to check back next week to see if you've won!

DIY Hello!Lucky Valentines on! featured a super fun Hello!Lucky DIY project on their Gift Rap blog!  Along with fun instructional videos (complete with bluegrass music!), they include a printable PDF version of several of our Valentines cards so that you can print and personalize them to your heart's content!

Our Guess Who owl is one of six Valentine card designs to choose from.


Happy crafting!