The Best of NSS, Part 3

There was so much good work at NSS this year that it was hard to keep it to just two posts. So here is my third and final post, but really I could have done about three more! Rose from The Great Lakes Goods always has a strong showing and this year was no exception (above and below).

Newcomer Pei Designs featured some super cute illustrations - all letterpressed (above and below)!

Our buddy Susy (from Susy Jack) really knocked it out of the park this year with her awesome recipes boxes, paperweights and calendars (above and below).

Do you recognize the feather illustration?

The always amazing Rifle Paper debuted these ridiculously adorable cocktail coasters:

Fawnsberg is run by two sisters, and features sweet illustrations on their cards and rubber stamps (above and below).

Finally, Atlanta-based Alee and Press really nailed it with their ombre style:

Whew! It was a great show and I loved checking out all the beautiful new work. Let us know in the comments if you discovered anyone new and amazing at the show this year!

National Stationery Show: Best of the best

IMG_5317 Even though Rifle Paper Co is all over the blog-o-sphere, we couldn't resist posting about their debut at NSS. Adorable illustrations and hand lettering adorn cards, prints, stationery, and the super covet-able recipe box (above), complete with recipe cards, below (it will be available on their website soon).


We also loved the hilarious cards from our friends at Blue Barnhouse...



...and the beautiful fabric wraps (for wrapping gifts!) from Chewing the Cud.


Stay tuned for more of our favorites!