National Stationery Show!

IMG_5283 We're back from New York! The National Stationery Show was a whirlwind of new and old friends, fellow designers, bloggers and buyers from our favorite stores around the country, not to mention some incredible paper products! There was so much inspiring work from new designers and those who have been in the business for years. For our own booth, we were thrilled to introduce our new designs from Julia Rothman (above), Esther Aarts and yours truly.



We re-purposed the pom poms from Eunice and Daniel's wedding - they were a big hit!


We also got a chance to preview the cover of our new book, Handmade Weddings, from Chronicle Books. The book comes out this fall, and is available for pre-order here.


We added some decor with pink peonies and vintage bottles from the Brooklyn Flea (and candy for buyers and booth-workers!).


Anatomy of a Booth, Part II

We're set up (finally!). We filled our frames with cards today, and it's looking pretty cute. Okay, so maybe we're a little biased, but we're quite proud of ourselves, given that we had less that two weeks to pull it together! It's a amazing what can be accomplished with a can of spray paint and a Sharpie. You can't see us, but there's some back patting going on! Tomorrow is the first day of the show, and we are (hopefully!) all ready. If you are in the New York area, we are in Pier 92, booth 36009. Stop by and say hi! img_1571.jpg



Anatomy of a booth

We arrived this morning in New York somewhat bleary eyed after an exhausting overnight flight (ah, the glamorous world of the gift show) ready to rumble! We made book cloth panels illustrated with a variety of ornate picture frames and hand lettered (we went through various eras and genres - there are Art Deco frames, Empire, Kurbits, and, of course, a little squirrel/nut action. By the end, we were going a little, erm, nuts, but so far it's looking pretty sharp!): img_1550.jpg

Next, we'll fill them with cards - we'll report back with photos of the completed booth!