Sabrina's House - Work in Progress

Sabrina’s House - living roomSabrina’s House - living room detailSabrina’s House - living room detailSabrina’s House - DetailSabrina’s House - living room detailSabrina’s House - Detail My husband and I bought our little Victorian house almost a year ago and have been slowly been trying to find the right aesthetic to fit the bones of the house and our personalities (amidst our frenetic work and travel schedules!). We're finally starting to settle on light-hearted, eclectic mix of vintage, modern, and Chinoiserie (after a short flirtation with 18th Century French country style that resulted in several bits of rusting metal, a.k.a. bottle racks, a wheat-sheaf cocktail table, a taxidermied bird being set out on the curb, much to my husband's glee). The pieces so far are a mix of flea market finds, travel artifacts, tchotkes from Monument (my all-time favorite interiors shop in San Francisco), and a few larger pieces from Jonathan Adler and Arkitektura In-Situ. The house itself has a lot of funky angles and open spaces; the upstairs was remodeled by architect Hugh Huddleson.

What you see above are some of the more finished bits (there is plenty of piled and stacked decorating in progress behind the camera lens). Watch this space for more pictures as the decorating evolves!