Save the date: June 17, 2008

Gay wedding invitations We're very pleased to be living in San Francisco these days. Not only does the recent California Supreme Court ruling allow same-sex marriages (which begins on June 17), but The California Field Poll shows that the majority of voters support it (52%) - so a ballot measure to revoke the ruling, slated for November, is unlikely to pass.

Over the years, we've created wedding and commitment ceremony invitations for many same-sex couples, and these experiences have been among our most rewarding. In these weddings, the exchange of vows is much more than the usual (though still remarkable) declaration of the couple's lifelong commitment; in many cases, it is the first formal, public recognition of the couple by friends, family, and society at large -- a "coming out" celebration, if you will! -- as well as the affirmation of a basic civil and human right (marriage, and love, respectively).

So thanks, Gavin, Arnold, the Supreme Court, and fellow Californians! We look forward to celebrating with you on June 17!

P.S. Our London office is happy for us, but non-plussed. Civil partnerships have been legal there since 2005 and were supported by many Conservatives as a matter of individual civil liberties! Shown above: one of our civil partnership invitation designs.

Photo courtesy of Sara Remington.