Spoonflower Custom Fabric

2640520552_35bf88a12a.jpg We just stumbled across Spoonflower (via Stitch Lounge), a site that is in invitation only beta right now but that will some day soon be available to the rest of us (one hopes! cue bit-chomping), which allows you to print your very own fabric designs. We're *dying* with anticipation. We are simply brimming over with excitement over the opportunity to design our own textiles! Not to mention, the possibilities for creating custom textiles for your wedding (amazing coordinating table runners! Textiles for bridesmaids' gifts, guest book covers, huppahs, pocket squares, flower girl dresses...we can barely contain ourselves!)


We love the adorable dolls above and retro textiles below by June Craft - check out her Etsy shop here.


Fabric by Bezzab...


A cute purse by Marceline Smith at Asking for Trouble.