A few more wedding do's and don't's

Letterpress thank you cards Okay, folks, we're on a roll! As a Chinese fortune cookie once told us, "Advice is like kissing. It costs nothing and is a pleasant thing to do." So here are a few more pieces of advice for brides-to-be...


11. DO send thank you notes. They should be sent as soon as possible, but no more than one month after receiving a gift. Keep a list of gifts and guests. There's nothing worse then looking at a gift and wondering, "who sent us that?", followed by the generic "Dear X, Thank you so much for the lovely gift. It was so thoughtful of you. Sincerely yours..."

12. DO go around to each guest table to say hello to guests during the reception. One of the biggest regrets we hear from the couple is that the day just whizzed by and they never got to spend time with friends and family. So, early in the evening be sure to go around to each table and visit with each guest.

13. DO have a wedding website. There are plenty of free websites available these days (e.g. Project Wedding or Weding Wire; access requires that you sign in) and it's a great way to keep guests up-to-date. Also minimizes the need to send out mass e-mails (and the subsequent accidental/inappropriate reply-all's!).


11. DON'T do a "Best of" slide show during the reception (e.g. featuring baby photos and courtship highlights). If you do succumb, keep it lighthearted and/or save it for your rehearsal dinner. DON'T accompany it with Ave Maria or anything by Bette Midler or Celine Dion.  A Power Point presentation during dinner tends make the reception feel like a board meeting or college reunion, and A/V pyro-technics can be a slightly jarring break from tradition, so think carefully before going down this path.

12.  DON'T try to take a complete wedding group portrait. Remember how long it used to take to assemble your entire 4th grade class for the school photo? Now, multiply that by 10 considering there are children and adults of all ages involved who by this point have likely imbibed a glass or so of champagne apiece. Instead, ask your photographer to take candid shots of guests at each table. A photo booth, in which guests take their own mugs against a decorative backdrop (perhaps with funny props), is also a great way to ensure that all guests are remembered.

13. DON'T have a receiving line at the reception. No one likes queues, let's be honest. More often than not, receiving lines just create a bottle neck and keep guests from getting to their true destination - champagne and hors d'oeuvres!  Instead, keep the party moving and visit guests to pay your mutual respects during the dinner reception (see DO #2)

Photo courtesy of Sara Remington.