Mutant Octopi, Puppies, Giraffes!!

Eunice and Sabrina We had a great time today hosting a gaggle of hilarious second graders for a valentine making bonanza.  Here we are at the beginning of the session - all seems calm, but it soon descended into crafting chaos!

more kids!

We worked on the Fuzzy Octopus card from our book, Handmade Hellos.  Above, some very serious crafting commences...


The kids were really creative - here is an octopus that ended up with 22 eyes at the final count...

cheeky pair

kids crafting

We loved how creative the kids got!  Here a little girl who decided to go with a fantastic giraffe of her own creation.


A hysterical puppy...

octo kids 3

Hilarious mutant octopus...

Aaron demonstrates

Aaron does a little printing demonstration for a rapt audience. Thanks to the kids and teachers of Leonard Flynn Elementary School for a great time! Happy Valentine's Day!