Jessie Quinn

 Dolls on Parade We came across Jessie Quinn on The Constant Gatherer and are now mildly obsessed...

Circus Dolls

Her dolls and objects are absolutely enchanting!  We are *so* inspired...

Elephant and Lady



Fascinated by her work in progress...

Mysterious Lady Friend

Love the plaid pantaloons and stripey socks on this slightly deranged looking clown and his mysterious masked lady friend and her tiny dog!

Sad Lady

Adore all the intricate details and combination of many of our favorite crafting techniques - knitting, sewing, embroidery - to such fantastical and quirky effect...

Bucktooth Guy

Hilarious buck-toothed mousey creature...

Bird in Hat

This hat on this very serious bird...we are speechless...

Bird People


Rabbit Man


Enamoured of this lovely giraffe...

Sleeping Rabbit

And this very sleepy rabbit with matching rabbit him.

Her etsy shop can be found here and her work is also available here and you can see more of her fabulous things here.