"Eggs on Us!" with Heifer International

Botswana or Bust! We're thrilled to announce our new partnership with Heifer International. It's hard to pick favorite charities, but they're near the top of our list.

Why?  Heifer is helping fight poverty and hunger around the world. They're doing it in the simplest way possible - giving families a sustainable food supply. Sometimes this is a goat. Sometimes it's a yak. Sometimes it's a flock of chicks. Or a pair of llamas. Each of these livestock produces milk, eggs, or offspring that can feed a family and support a community. They help people become self-sufficient. And they're darned cute, too!


The amazing thing about Heifer is that even a small contribution goes a long way. To quote author (and Heifer fundraiser extraordinaire) Patrick Rothfuss, it's not like trying to cure cancer, or heart disease. If we by some miracle were able to raise $10,000 for either of these causes, our contribution would be a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of researching a cure. With Heifer, we know that the flocks of chicks we donate are going directly to help hungry families. There's no research needed - the cure for poverty is simple, and Heifer's approach doesn't just give families a bag of rice, it gives them a food source that can last for generations.

Since we've never done this before, we thought we'd start small.  We're donating 100 flocks of chicks to Heifer - that's about 3,000 chicks - to help 100 families. We've already made the commitment. All we're asking our readers and customers to do is to enter the code "GIVECHICKS" at checkout to show your support, (or "egg us on"! yuk yuk). For every person who enters the code, Hello!Lucky will credit 20 chicks to our chick count. If we reach our goal of 3,000 chicks, we'll donate two llamas as well! We'll be posting the official Hello!Lucky “Chick-o-Meter” on our blog, and will update it weekly.


You can also make direct contributions to Heifer by purchasing a goat, a flock of chicks, etc. for friends and family members this holiday season. You can do it right here.  Take it from us - people LOVE getting a goat as a gift. And, hey, why not accompany your gift with a cute Hello!Lucky letterpress holiday card? (just a thought!)


So stay tuned for updates and the amazing Chick-o-Meter!

Very warmly yours,
