Featuring Pie Bird Press!


This morning we're delighted to feature Hannah Berman of Pie Bird Press! Hannah is another designer neighbor living in Albany, California. She's had some fantastic experiences with letterpress printing and has come to create quite an accomplished company of her own. We are so excited to feature her in our collection this year because her designs are the brightest and boldest, and we love that they stand out. Make sure to visit her shop here!

What inspired your design for the holiday collection?

I am always inspired by nostalgia and the special moments that we remember from our childhoods. There's nothing quite like seeing a perfectly wrapped gift with a big bow on it to stir up excitement on any holiday!

What are you currently working on?

I'm currently working on Pie Bird Press' 2012 spring collection of stationery, due out in May. Keep an eye out for lots of fun, new designs!

What influences your style the most?

I am influenced primarily by color, and again by nostalgia. I find most of my inspiration at vintage stores, county fairs, and other all-American events that evoke a certain sentimentality.

What's your favorite holiday tradition?

My family has a latke party every year, complete with my father's non-traditional potato pancakes. It's always a treat to sit around the table with our loved ones and see how many latkes we can take down.

Best holiday memory?

My birthday falls during the holiday season, and one year when I was a child we took a trip up to Mendocino for the occasion. There were record setting lows that year, and we found icicles hanging on the beach. For a California native, that was really something special!


Check out the Pie Bird Press collection for Hello!Lucky here!