Featuring Tom Frost!


Tom Frost is our featured designer living in the UK! Currently based in Bristol, Tom incorporates screen printing, painting, drawing, and even 3D design in his art. We love his vintage poster-like designs and that he hand-prints his funky 3D sculptures and toys. Be sure to check out Tom's blog here and online shop here!

What inspired your design for the holiday collection?

These three designs are a continuation of a recent series of stamp screen prints I did that featured birds, pond life and mammals of the British Isles.

What are you currently working on?

I have just finished a commission that involved me painting a large wooden rocket, which makes my job the best job in the world! There will also be a number of new screen prints, a new T-shirt very soon and a range of cider bottles that I am really excited about. And within the next few days, the best early Christmas present ever, the birth of our first child.

What influences your style the most?

A number of things from tin toys, vintage match boxes, folk art, mid century design, old meccano and childrens books. The list though, in theory, is endless.

What's your favorite holiday tradition?

It has to be on Christmas eve, helping out my mum in the kitchen preparing homemade stuffings and breadsauce, with a large vat of mulled wine gentle warming on the stove. That and just sitting in front of the fire, with family.

Best holiday memory?

When I was a lot younger, we use to spend Christmas at my Grandparents farm. One night, sat infront of the roaring fire I witnessed a Great Dane sneeze on a sleeping Scotty dog. Not the best Christmas memory, but one that has stayed firmly embedded in my memory bank!


Visit the collection by Tom Frost for Hello!Lucky here!