Modern Kids Photography

alexjames084 When Edyta recommended Sarah at Modern Kids Photography for holiday family photos, we knew she'd be amazing (Edyta's behind all of Hello!Lucky's editorial product photos). The clincher? Sarah's a former nanny with a natural warmth and openness. She miraculously put Sabrina's twin toddlers at ease the moment she set foot in the door!


We shot in and around Sabrina's house and neighborhood...


In the back yard...


At home...



And walking around the neighborhood...with their colorful walls and doors, the neighborhood provided a surprising variety of backdrops.

Tips for a successful photo shoot:

- Schedule it for when the kids will be well-fed and well-rested.

- Shoot at home, around the neighborhood, or at a familiar park.

- Pick comfortable clothes and pay attention to color palette. Outfits don't need to match but it helps to pick colors and patterns in the same family (we chose a variety of stripes in preppy colors and earth tones).

- If you're using your photos in holiday photo cards or photo birth announcements, have a few card designs in mind and keep their color palette and photo orientation (portrait vs. landscape).

Sabrina used her photos in the accordion-style Four Seasons New Year's Card by Susy Jack* - check out the results here!