Pin it to win it! Holiday Card Edition

Back in September we had a lot of fun running our first ever Pinterest contest for our new letterpress printables. Since the holiday season is fast approaching we thought it would be fun to host another Pinterest contest focusing on some of our custom holiday cards. This time one lucky winner will receive 50 free custom holiday photo cards of their choosing!

To play, just pin any card from this page of our website or an image from this blog post. Once you have pinned your image, leave a comment below this post with the URL to your pin so we can check it out. Just like last time we'll randomly pick one lucky person to win free holiday cards. We'll announce the winner on Friday, November 16th.

*Note that the winner will receive 50 flat custom photo holiday cards (this excludes folded or letterpress cards). Happy Pinning!

To shop our holiday collection, visit our website here!


Thanks for all of your comments and pins! Congratulations to our winner Amy Williams!