Real Wedding: Harry and Izzy

It's not every day that celebrity couples come to us for help designing their wedding stationery. We're always sure to respect a future bride and groom's privacy before their big day, but this wedding was top secret. UK superstars Izzy Johnston and Harry Judd said their "I do's" last month on what was said to be a "the best day ever." It was covered by Hello! Magazine with exclusive photos and information about the event. We don't need exclusive photos to know this beautiful couple must have had a ball.

We recreated Eunice and Daniels's save the date for their own - including wedding bells, pet cats, and musical instruments (Harry is in the British pop band McFly and Izzy is a former member of Escala - an electronic string quartet). You may have recognized this design from our Cut Paper photo save the date, but you can order your own version of this hand-drawn beauty soon. In the mean time, feel free to contact our UK offices at for more ordering info!

Congratulations to Izzy and Harry. We wish you a lifetime of health and happiness!