Monthly Card Subscription Winners!

We are overwhelmed at the amount of responses to our Monthly Card Subscription giveaway. Never have we seen so many people participate in a giveaway and it gives us hope that more and more people appreciate the power of a hand written note. Our fans mean the world to us and we couldn't be more excited that you want to try out a new product. Though we wish we could offer each of you your own subscription, we had to pick a winner. We mentioned that liking us on Facebook would provide an extra bonus, and for that we're giving one lucky Facebook liker a two-month subscription. Congratulations to......drum roll......

Tree! Winner of a one-year subscription!

and Miranda Bialk! Winner of a two-month subscription!

We'll be in touch with you both soon. Thanks again to everyone who participated! Stay tuned on our blog for more awesome giveaways.

Love, the H!L team