Chloé Fleury Studio Visit

Last Friday a few of us were lucky enough to visit Chloé Fleury in her studio in San Francisco's Mission District. Chloé's studio is in her apartment and we found inspiration in every corner of her home. Her space was full of light, colorful, and modern. We could have stayed there for hours and all left feeling inspired to go home and work on art projects.

(everything in this photo except the bear mask is made from paper) 

If you aren't already familiar with Chloé's work this will be a fun look into her world. She creates amazing sculptures and illustrations with paper and it was so much fun to see her work scattered throughout her home. We snapped quite a few photos so you can see the loveliness yourself. Enjoy!

(a shot from Chloe's living room)

(we were even inspired by her chairs and pillows)

(paper lady with fox mask & an ice cream truck made from paper)

Chloé moved to San Francisco from France and told us she didn't start making her paper sculptures until she arrived here four years ago. One of her main inspirations? San Francisco's color and architecture. This piece is from her first show which was at the (recently closed) Curiosity Shoppe.

(Chloé's workspace) 

(amazing paper guitar sculpture) 

(one of Chloé's iconic paper bunny heads) 

(paper bikes and a look at Chloe's library)

(there was beautiful paper every where we turned) 

(Eunice & Chloe) 

Thank you so much for letting us visit your studio & your home Chloé! We're still feeling inspired from the visit.

See more of Chloé's work in her Etsy shop and follow along with her daily inspiration on her blog.