Parisian Wedding: Virginie and Antoine

There is a good reason why the word ‘Chic’ cannot be adequately translated into English; we simply just don’t do it as well as the French! Virgine and Antoine both live in London and wanted to take some of the elements of their life here to their May wedding in Paris, mainly in the form of a black London taxi!  We just love the way the photographer has managed to capture the mix of the formal and informal in these stunning photos of the happy couple who seem to have the whole city to themselves!

The reception was a little out of the city at the Manoir de Gressy where the more rural setting provided a beautiful contrast to the city and where Virginie chose an elegant restricted palette of cool greys and silver with just white flowers and green foliage in simple domed bunches. For their stationery they chose to have a customized version of our London Skyline, which we adapted to have the Paris skyline alongside.

We produced the table signs showing either London Tube stations or Paris Metro stops and Virginie also designed a wonderful 32 page booklet herself with graphic images of the two different cultures - The Gherkin vs. Tour Eiffel, Pimms vs. Ricard, Macaron vs. Cupcake etc.!

A customized photo booth with the somewhat Banksy-esque gun-toting Queen along with a host of props allowed the guests to create some memorable photographs of the big day.

Nous remercions Virginie et Antoine d'avoir partage ses photo avec nous. Nous tenons a leur souhaiter beaucoupde bohneur pour leur futur.

En Vacances!

It doesn't take much to get the average Brit. thinking about holidays, especially considering the hit-and-miss wash-out Summer that we've been having recently. What could be more enticing than these charming retro-inspired posters by the French tourist board that have appeared all over the capital in the last few weeks to gently tempt us wet and weary commuters into packing our suitcases and heading South.

We love the use of the different fonts and the wonderful graphic cartoons that put us in mind of those classic Pink Panther opening sequences.

Beautifully fresh and oh so very French - who but a Frenchwoman would co-ordinate her deckchair with her son's t-shirt!

Allez...en vacances! Bon Voyage

Real Wedding: Beth and Julian

Beth Wedding 440

We can think of fewer ways to start a married life together than with the sun shining and the whole city laid out beneath you! These photos taken by Marianne Taylor so beautifully capture the setting for the midsummer wedding of Beth and Julian. Beth and Julian 440

The venue for the ceremony took place at the upper deck of the National Theatre on the south Bank of the Thames which boasts views of the whole city from East to West across the river. We also agree with Beth's choice of invitation as she opted for our London Skyline design but chose to have it in a soft coral and stone combination which looked beautiful.Beth james Suite440

After the ceremony the guests were treated to a ride through central London on a vintage Routemaster double-decker bus to the reception at one of Soho's most established and best-loved restaurants, Kettner's in Romily Street.

Beth Routmaster 440

Here the table stationery carried-on the skyline theme with each table being designated by an iconic London building. We're not sure if being sent to the tower ever held such happy connotations!

Beth James Table Plan 2x3 croppedBeth James Table Card 220330

We would like to wish Beth and Julian all the very best for their future together; may the city always be theirs!

Real Wedding: Sarah & Patrick

We are sure there is, in some peoples' minds, the assumption that the perfect English wedding should be held in mid-summer with small bridesmaids in pink voile running over emerald green, sun-dappled lawns, bright roses on the tables, food and cake a-plenty and all to the sound of laughter and clink of champagne flutes (or - to each their own - beer glasses!). The August wedding of Sarah McKee and Patrick Barry didn't disappoint on any of the above.


Sarah chose our classic Cherry Blossom design for her wedding stationery and carried the floral theme right through the whole event, even Patrick's tie managed to co-ordinate! The wonderfully relaxed atmosphere was captured perfectly in the photographs taken by Charley Smith.



We love the way that the table plans were strung-out on a silken washing line in the gardens of the house near Windsor where the guests strolled before being seated in the marquee for the meal. A perfect opportunity for showing-off that pink voile dress! Notice the touch of the tiny gold clothes pegs holding each one up - genius!


The flowers for the day were by Richard Elder one of the country's leading floral designers who combined the hot Summer colours in these charming baskets for the bridesmaids. The fabulous and mouth-watering mini cake stack was by Peggy Porschen and the talented Dan McEvoy from Real Cooking did the rest of the catering. We  just love the way that the cherry blossom flower has been picked-out again on the top of each cake!



Thank you so much to Sarah & Patrick for sharing these photos with us. Ah! roll-on next summer!!